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We're finishing up the help article, and getting feedback about the new Fill in the Blank Product template to help people JUST getting started (and people who have been using MemberVault for years). But you don't have to wait to take it for a spin!
The goal with this product template? To save you time creating a fully optimized paid product with teaser module, bonus module, order bump, upsell and quiz questions....plus, some confetti action. We don't have it in all accounts yet, bc I still need to whip up the help article, but I DID create the walk thru video w/ some strategic guidance included.
Grab the download below, and then log into your MemberVault admin and go to > Content > Products > Add Product > Import Product and import the file.
The walk thru video and everything you need are inside the product import!
Post in the Collaborative over on FB with feedback and questions.