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Cheryl Tan created the the "Camera Ready in 5 Days" Challenge. If you are ready to once and for all conquer your fears of being on camera, build your executive brand, and be seen as the expert in your field, this challenge is for you. I’ve worked with dozens of executives who thought they could NEVER feel comfortable on screen, and now they can create a video or give a presentation on Zoom with ease. When they start to show up publicly, they get noticed at work.
The upsell is access to my professional communication program, "The FOCUS Formula." In this program, I share the 5 steps to confident communication. Whether you're speaking on stage or giving a presentation on Zoom, the ability to effectively share your ideas with your employees, your clients, and the community is invaluable. The FOCUS Formula will help you gain confidence in any public speaking situation.
Tonya Kubo created the Do I Need This Now? product, which is a simple four-step plan for every entrepreneur who's ever been tempted by flashy sales pitches and regretted it later. Don't fall for the hype. Arm yourself with the skills to discern, decide, and invest wisely in what truly matters for your business's present and future.
The upsell is Get My Eyes on YOUR Next Offer! Book your Personalized Offer Evaluation, and I'll show you how I discern value and read between the lines of marketing hype on a single offer you're thinking about buying within the next 12 months.
Hannah Harris Graham created the Find Your Ideal Tone on the Fiddle, a mini course designed to help you to consider and play around with what good tone means to you -- and more importantly, how you go about creating that sound for yourself! Perfect for aspiring Irish fiddlers who want to play with an authentic sounding lilt on your instrument!
The upsell is the Find Your Lilt® course. This course covers other key areas like improving wrist flexibility, rhythm, phrasing, ornamentation and variation. If you're looking to take your Irish fiddle playing to the next level, this is the course for you!
And the order bump is Find Your Lilt® is full of tutorials, exercises and opportunities to improve your Irish fiddle style, which is why I'm thrilled to offer a further layer of support through 1:1 access to me! To book the full Find Your Lilt® experience, select the option to add asynchronous lessons at checkout. These are like private lessons, but delivered asynchronously so you can fit getting personalized support easily into your busy schedule!
Gina Ramirez created the 90 Day REFRESH Program is for working women who are ready to reclaim their time, make peace with food, and take action with healthy habits that stick.
And the upsell is a 45 minute private coaching session.
Want to create your own offer, with upsell and optional order bump, using MemberVault? Grab your access to the Grow Your List with Low Ticket today! (And if you're on our All Access account plan, you already have access!)
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