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Fill in the Blanks product template walk thru transcript

This is the transcript for the Fill in the Blanks product template walk thru. You can get back to the help article with video/etc by going here: https://www.mvlearn.co/fillintheblanks

Erin Kelly [00:00:00]:
Hey. Hey. My name is Erin Kelly. I'm the CEO and co founder of Membervault and this is a tour of the fill in the blanks product template. So what you're seeing right here is what the product template will look like if you import it into your membervault account and then open up the product. And so I'm going to be walking you through what you need to change, why it's there, why I put it there, how it works, all that good stuff. My whole goal with this particular product template is to make it really easy for you to set up an optimized, paid product. So I went with a paid product for this fill in the blanks product template because at the end of the day, the most important thing that you can be spending your time on is your paid products.

Erin Kelly [00:00:37]:
And obviously, free opt ins are important too, if you're choosing to do that or if you. Everyone has different strategies for how they are growing their audience and how they are getting people on their email list. But really the most important thing is what are people buying from you for this product template? I'm going to be walking you through why I have these different things in this particular product template and how to use it to really optimize the conversions and engagement inside of your products. So right here we have the different modules and you can see here on the types that there's three different types of modules inside of this product template. So there is a teaser module, then there's a handful of regular modules, and then there's a bonus module that will unlock when someone earns ten ep. So EP stands for engagement points. So teaser modules are completely public. So someone does not need to have access to this product to be able to see this teaser module.

Erin Kelly [00:01:30]:
And that's kind of the goal. The teaser module is like when you're going through like a grocery store or something and they have, you know, little taster samples, right, of a product that they want you to buy. That is, what you can use for your teaser module is that you can give people a sneak peek or a taste test of your bigger program. You can give, you can embed like a tour of, let's say it's a digital product. You can embed a tour of like, how the digital product works, which is really valuable in the sense that it makes it feel very tangible, which is going to increase your conversions. Assuming that, like, it's a product that people actually want, you can show case studies, you can show content that would be an objection buster for reasons why people wouldn't buy the product, either they don't think they're ready or they're not sure that they understand how it's going to benefit them. All of that kind of good stuff you can put inside of a teaser module and it makes it really easy for you to have additional options to share your paid products without just sharing a sales page. The other thing that you can put inside of teaser modules is content.

Erin Kelly [00:02:33]:
That is, this is what I would recommend thinking of it this way. Like when you are talking about the topic that your paid product helps people with, what are the things that people are really curious about or that catches their attention and makes them ask questions or say, ooh, that sounds really cool. That's the kind of thing that you want to put inside of your teaser module. So that is extremely natural for you to share. Oh, I have more about this here and have the link to the teaser module. And I talk about this more inside of the teaser module. So we'll get into that a little bit more once we actually get to that section. But that's what I want you to be thinking about when you are thinking about teaser modules is it is a like kind of power partner in terms of making it easy for you to talk about your paid product without just sharing a sales page.

Erin Kelly [00:03:18]:
And obviously it's important to share your sales page as well. But the thing is, is when they go to your teaser module link, they are landing inside of that product and not inside the product in the sense that they can see all of the gated content but they are landing on that product and they can actually then like click over and be like, oh, like, this was really interesting. I really liked this. Like ooh, like let me look at this product. And so it's a really great way to like softly lead someone into the purchase experience with you. So then modules are gated content. So no one, if they don't have access to this product, they cannot see what is inside of the modules. And then bonus modules are locked until they reach the ep number that you've set for the bonus module, in which case they will, it will unlock for them and then they'll be able to access it.

Erin Kelly [00:04:02]:
We'll talk more about bonus modules once we go into this section, section. But it's a really great way to increase completion rates, increase engagement, make it fun, like, you know, all of that good stuff. And so those, those can be really, really fun. If you feel stressed out by the teaser modules or the bonus modules, know that you can always create your product just with the base, just with the regular modules and then always come back later. You know, delete these out before you publicize your product, if you haven't added new content to them, but know that you can easily come back into an older product and optimize it later and add it. Teaser module or add a bonus module. I know I certainly do that with products when I revisit them, either because I'm updating the content or like I'm just kind of circling back to remind people that we have that product and I'll use that as an opportunity to go in and like add a teaser module if I haven't done that in the past, or add a bonus module. And so it is not something that you have to like, get all of it done before you share this product.

Erin Kelly [00:04:58]:
It's something that you can definitely add down the road, but it's really important to know that it is possible. And these are very, very useful module types. So then down here we have product settings, the status invisible. That means no one can see it unless they have the link. Once you want it to be, and want it to be visible in your shop, you know, marketplace page, you would just flip that to active. And then of course, like if you want people who are in it currently to no longer have access to it and you don't want to remove them, but you don't want them to be able to actually engage with any of the content, you can change it to inactive, then archived is you want people to have access to the product, to still be able to engage with it, but you don't want new people to be able to sign up for it, so you can switch it to archived. So because I am using this as a product template and it's not something that I'm like selling in our mvlearn, I have it set to invisible. I could totally have it set to archived or to inactive.

Erin Kelly [00:05:51]:
It's just I always default to invisible. Then type. That's where you can change your drips. This is really powerful. The date drip is really powerful if you're pre selling. Um, time drip rolling drip progressive. We're not going to go into that. Um, I just have it regular, so there's no time or order force.

Erin Kelly [00:06:06]:
That's generally my preference. Um, just because people really like to be able to binge on their own time. Um, but there is absolutely a time and place for all of these other ones, especially if you were looking at it from a customer centric perspective, not from like a control perspective where you like you, you're like, I want them to do it this exact way. Um, but you're like, actually no, it is really important that they first, for example, like go through it progressively and it like stack the content stacks on itself. So you know, just think through those things. So I just have it set to regular for this one. Then of course the product name, then the product description. This is what shows up on the public main shop or marketplace view of your member vault.

Erin Kelly [00:06:46]:
So this is where they can see. And if it's invisible and you're not really sharing it there that way, like it doesn't really matter. You could just put like a very basic, you know, two sentence thing because no one's really going to see the description because they're going to be going right to the link and it's going to be taking them right into the promo text or into the product overview if they have access. So this really only matters. The description only matters really if it is an active product that you want people to be actually like chopping through and looking at, in which case it is really important to not put too much content in here. You can see here in this screenshot and I have a little yellow outline to show that this is what the description text looks like and that's where it shows up is underneath the product image. And I put in here, I fill in the blanks on the below. I've always gone with a shorter description.

Erin Kelly [00:07:32]:
Some people go with a longer description where there's like several paragraphs. I wouldn't recommend anything more than like three paragraphs, especially if they're long paragraphs. Just because it gets very visually overwhelming and people are going to get eye fatigue and be like, nope, I am not even clicking into that. Like, that looks really overwhelming. Right. So you want it to be short, punch to the point. Important information that is going to make them self qualify. Like, oh, this is something that I want to learn more about.

Erin Kelly [00:07:57]:
In which case then they can click on the learn more, which would take them to the promo text, or they can click on get access now, which will take them to the promo text with the purchase slide out with the purchase screen. And of course, like once we're making some changes behind the scenes to how our stripe integration works, and so at the time of the recording, that's how it works. But once we have the new stripe integration, once they click on the get access now button, it'll actually take them to the payment screen. So that is how that works. And obviously the product image, I just went with a gif, but you obviously are going to want to go with something that's actually a product image and you can put the text on it or you can go with whatever works for you. We've seen people that have had a lot of products inside of the member have really good success with having some kind of brand high hierarchy where it like shows like, oh, this is a template, this is a service, like a little, you know, like a little button or badge of some sort so that it's really, really easy for people to self select and find what they're looking for. And also the other thing that we've seen people have success with is to put the actual price on the buy now button. Again, just makes it easier for people to be browsing and to actually get that Benjamin buy experience where, you know, they pop into the things that they want access to.

Erin Kelly [00:09:21]:
So the product overview text is the text that people see when they have access to your product. So that is really a great place for you to share that core information. And I have all of this here in text. And again, when you import this product by logging into your member vault, going to products and then use template, looking for the fill in the blanks product template, you're going to have access to all of this text here. And I have kind of like think about this, like add this, right? To make it easier for you. And if you like using AI and you have an AI tool, you can absolutely drop those in there and have more information about your product and have it actually like fill that out. Someday we will have AI inside of membervault that will make this even easier, but we don't yet. So in sign up options, this is where you control whether it is a free product, a paid product, it's a link so that they're signing up for it outside of your member vault or they are purchasing outside of your member vault, or none.

Erin Kelly [00:10:18]:
So like you're not quite ready to share it. So this is a paid product. So. And it's taking the payment inside a member vault. So I have it set to payment. So this is the next section where I'm showing your opportunities to really optimize your paid product experience. So we have the idea of, and it's a little bit different than some of the like, checkout products like thrive cart and Sam cart, like how we do order bumps, but it works really well. I've had really good experience and conversions with this.

Erin Kelly [00:10:43]:
So you can have your core product price and I just have two on there. Like you obviously, like you would put your actual price. So this is what the product content is the thing that they are signing up and purchasing. You can also have a secondary payment option that is the core product plus an additional option. So an order bump, which is like, hey, I want the core product, but I also want this other thing. And that can really add to the actual purchase price that people are paying you. And it's a great way to also support them by adding something like, hey, you can just buy this one thing, or you could buy this thing and get this other supportive option that's going to really help you actually have success and complete this, etcetera, faster, easier, all that good stuff. Think about it.

Erin Kelly [00:11:35]:
In the past, you might have thought about it as, here's my core product and I'm going to charge a higher price for it or I'm going to throw all these bonuses in. I would recommend kind of like changing that mentality and saying like, okay, like, what's a good stripped down version of my core product? And then what are things that I can add on as order bumps that would make it even more valuable? So it's like you're actually giving the people option. The ability to choose the option that best fits them can really help with, like, price sensitivities, especially when people are like, well, I'm not even going to use that bonus, or like, I don't need that bonus or like, I don't need all that extra stuff. I just want this one thing, the core piece. Like, then they're able to self select and buy that for a lower price. Although I have seen that the order bump is very popular. Like, the order bumps that I've done where it's like a digital product is the core product that, you know, it's like an action lab. And then my order bump is like, get four weeks of supportive emails.

Erin Kelly [00:12:35]:
Those are very, very popular. People really like to grab those. So you could think of it as such a way as like, maybe it's a digital product, and then your order bump is like, get a one on one call with me or get access to my inbox or get access to an audit. Once you're done with the product, you know, doing the thing that the product is showing you how to do, or get access to a community or get access to my templates. Like, there's so many different ways that you can do this, and I'm not, certainly not saying that you have to do it this way, but it is a really great way to give people options and let them self select the thing that the thing and slash price that works best for them. Now, if you have a product where you need to have multiple different payment terms. So like you need to have like a pay in full and then you want to have like multiple different payment plans. I wouldn't recommend doing the order bump the way that we have it.

Erin Kelly [00:13:21]:
Set it up, set up right now, just because it'll start to get really cluttered if you have like five or six different payment options. So this is, this works best. The order bump style that we have right here works best if you don't have like a bunch of other options that you need to include. So then down here we have our sign up button text. So as like when they click this button, it'll open the payment screen. The learn more button will open the promo text, which is right here. So the promo text is basically the landing page text or the sales page text. So you're going to want to include like why you're creating this product, benefits of getting help through the product, like what's included, benefits of joining testimonials.

Erin Kelly [00:14:00]:
You know, all your standard landing page sales, sales page content, then terms of service. This is what people see and have to click before that they can purchase. So you want to make sure that you have your terms and service. So you'll want to add links to the Terms of service and Privacy Policy. And I recommend, you know, if you have a website and you already have the terms of service and the privacy policy over there, you can link to those, or you can put invisible pages or active pages inside of your member vault and link to those. Whatever works best for you. But that is where you are going to put there. And then we have the option to turn on the email consent checkbox.

Erin Kelly [00:14:35]:
I have that turned on for this product template. So, and I'm not sure if it will pull in. It probably won't pull in if your default setting is not turned on. So you can turn that on or off inside of your settings and you can change like what it says and then the signup confirmation. This is another great opportunity for you to put in an upsell. And so if it's a free product, it's known as a tripwire. If it's a paid product, it's known as an upsell. Regardless, what you're doing is you're saying, hey, you just bought this thing or you just signed up for this thing.

Erin Kelly [00:15:07]:
This other thing would make a really great, like complimentary or like, here's a great opportunity to like add this on or do you want to keep access? So, like, for example, you'll see this a lot with, with summits where they're like, oh, you only have access to the recordings when they sign up for the main summit product. You only have access to the recordings for like 24 hours, or you only have access for like the, you know, length of the summit. So like seven days or three days or whatever it is, right? And then the upsell on the thank you page, which is the signup confirmation, is our member vault thank you page. It'll say like, oh, if you want to keep lifetime access or if you want to keep access for a year to the recordings, you can grab like the fastpass or whatever, right? So that is what you can put here. So this is the default text that's going to come in when you import this product. So success, you now have access to product name. Here's your login information. And then this is where you would want to put the upsell information.

Erin Kelly [00:16:02]:
And you don't need a timer or like anything like that. Although if you want to play around with timers, you absolutely can. But this is where you would want to put that. I would recommend putting in a picture of the product just to grab their attention or a gif or something of that, you know, to do that pattern disrupt and to catch their eye. And you would just say like, hey, this is, this would work really well with the thing that you just signed up for or just purchased. And it's really a great opportunity. And I would recommend thinking through if you have lot of products. Like, for example, we do, we have a bunch of action labs having different, it starts to get really confusing because you're like, well, like, what if they've already bought a bunch of the action labs and like, I have the upsell on here and it's like a discount.

Erin Kelly [00:16:43]:
Like, is that gonna feel yucky to them that they, like, bought it at full price? And now I'm like, I have this, you know, these different, like, upsells with like, discounts, right? And, you know, that is something that I recommend people considering is like, if, if people have most of your products or you don't have a lot of products and that kind of thing, thinking through the upsell experience and what that's going to feel like for them. The upsell can always be something that is not publicly available. It's a special offer that you make available to people for us. What I've done, because I have all of these different action labs, is I was like, you know what, it's too confusing and time consuming and mental bandwidth consuming to come up with a custom upsell for every single single action lab. And so instead it's like, hey, I have one upsell that I'm going to use on all of the action labs and then I can optimize that based on like hey, is this upsell converting? And if it's not, then I definitely need to be improving the copy and like I need to change how I'm like positioning it and the context and everything. And so instead of like having all of the stuff that I'm like, all of these different upsells that I'm having to optimize, I just have one. So if you have a lot of different products, I would recommend thinking around those lines of like having one upsell that you do that you really optimize. And it's probably for, so for me, the upsell is to get people onto our all access plan because it's our most expensive plan, although it's not that expensive in the context of like other platforms and for what they get.

Erin Kelly [00:18:17]:
But it is a tougher sell in terms of like people typically convert for the five product plan, right? And so like getting them to move over and to upgrade to the all access plan is like my end goal because it's a higher value and so that's what I do. So like think about what is your highest dollar product or service that you have? Obviously if it's something that you don't have a lot of bandwidth for, like you can only take like three or four clients and that's your highest dollar, then think about like, okay, like what is your most scalable, me that I should have said it that way, what is your most scalable, highest dollar product and use that as your upsell so that you're not like having to start from scratch each time. And then you can just like go into your most recent product that you had the upsell copy and paste, you know, copy the signup confirmation, go into your new product that you're creating and then paste it. So that works really, really well. I highly recommend having an upsell. Then of course you have to choose depending on what email tool you have integrated, it'll have the name of your email tool and you choose the less the list that they should be added to. And then I didn't do any, I didn't mess around with any of this stuff just because we're already talking about so many different things. The product complete redirect is really useful depending on how your product is set up.

Erin Kelly [00:19:27]:
Obviously you can enable comments if you want to have that category. For me, anytime I'm doing an action lab. I put inside of the action lab category, then module laid outs, all of these good things, ways that you can dial in your product depending on what you're doing and what the product is covering and how you want to customize it. Conversion tracking, we're not going to play with user access. We're not going to play with and then actions down here. So added to product, core products, because remember, we have the two different payment options. We have the core product payment option and then we have the additional order bump. So the core product with that like order Bump added to it.

Erin Kelly [00:20:05]:
And the thing to keep in mind with this is that anyone that signs up for either the core product or the core product and order bumper payment options, they will get access to this product they're signing up for. But if they sign up for the core product plus the order bump, you need to think about how you're going to give them access to that order bump. So if it's something that you deliver via email, then you can just, you know, use this, add a tag and make sure that it's, you know, different than this one. So that you can differentiate whether they bought the core product or the core product plus the order bump. And then you could deliver it via email if it is a another product. If the order bump is another product, then you can go ahead and I would recommend still tagging them and sending yourself a notification so that, you know, people bought it. But you can also add this action, add member to product. So in this case, we're not going to.

Erin Kelly [00:20:58]:
So I'm just going to take that off and then I have some quiz questions that I will show you as we're going through that. The quiz questions really, really powerful. Highly recommend it. And so these are ways for you to tag and then know that someone has answered that question. And so in your email tool, once someone answers these quiz questions, you can absolutely trigger an email that's just like, hey, thanks. So excited to see what you said. You can also play around with celebrations. Oh, not with this actual.

Erin Kelly [00:21:28]:
Let me see. Completes lesson. Go ahead and switch those so that we can do the celebration. So show celebration. You can do something like yay. So excited to see your answers. And I probably will tweak this a little bit before we push this template to everyone. But I'm going to go ahead and switch this one to completes lesson and it's, let's close the loop and then we'll do another celebration, which is the little confetti.

Erin Kelly [00:22:00]:
So I can actually show you what this one looks like. So yay. So excited to see your answers, right? And the little confetti. So that's just like a fun, a fun little thing to have that like feedback loop with them where they feel like you're, you're actually like engaged even though it's completely automated on your end. So let's go into the modules. This is, this was definitely the heavy, heavy piece, right? So we can do this pretty quickly, the rest of it. So teaser modules will go in and I went ahead and just made the module and the lesson the exact same. And so that's one of those little member vault tips and tricks is that if you have a module and you just want to have one lesson, if you make the module name exactly the same as lesson name, then when someone clicks on that, it will bypass the module level and it will take them right to the lesson.

Erin Kelly [00:22:46]:
So it'll take away one click that they need to make, which is always good. So if you want to have a video or something, you can definitely drop in a video. You can enable comments. Then I just have information about what a teaser module is, which we already kind of covered. Keep in mind, if it's a launch, so it's a product that you're launching that's not going to always be available. You might want to think about your teaser module a little bit differently than if it's evergreen just because you're probably going to be using it a little bit differently. Then I have an example that you can check out again. This is going to pull in when you import that product.

Erin Kelly [00:23:19]:
That's all there is for the teaser module. And I'll show you how to delete the lesson on the next one. So start here, module. There's nothing really super exciting here. I did show you. So on the public side if you have a short description in your module. So right here, most people, I don't feel like, use this. Sometimes I use this especially if I'm pre selling something and I want to have context for the modules for the thing that they're buying.

Erin Kelly [00:23:50]:
I'll put that there. Or if it's something where it's date drip and it's going to be unlocking on a certain date, I'll put more context there. So it's like a place where they can see it without clicking into the module and that can be really nice. So I just wanted to give you an example of what that would look like so that you could see it. So right here you'll see that inside the module it's like, it has the information on it and it works better if there's multiple lessons. So if you want to delete a lesson, you can just click here and delete the module or lesson. Okay, so let's go back to the main list of modules. So we'll go into the bonus module again.

Erin Kelly [00:24:33]:
Bonus module is, and actually let me go back to the main module level because that is where you set up the EP. So down here, you'll scroll down, it says EP to unlock. And so you can change it to three or ten or 20. And I have a little bit more information inside of the module section. But I want you to think about like, if it's the first bonus module, you're probably going to want it to unlock, like around the like 25% to 50% area of like, how much they've completed inside of the product. And I can't tell you the number because it all depends on, like, how many lessons that you have and, like, what you have in there and like, how many quiz questions that you have. But what I do have inside of this bonus module is how to calculate the ep you should use for your bonus module. So you can click on that to help article and then more information on bonus modules.

Erin Kelly [00:25:24]:
And so just keep in mind bonus modules, like, both to keep it from being overwhelming for you, but also overwhelming for the person who's going through this product. You don't want it to be packed with like a ton of information. You want it to be more like seen and acknowledged and maybe like a little, a little goody, right? And so, you know, there's a, there's different options that I've given you inside of the bonus module. And if you don't want to use it, go ahead. Or if you don't want to use it right now, but you know that you come back in the future, just delete it and it's fine. Okay. So that is pretty much it. But I do want to show you the let's close the loop quiz question.

Erin Kelly [00:25:57]:
And there's also quiz questions inside of the start here. And quiz questions is something that, like, I think that people who've been using membervault for a while who have started using quiz questions like, they can't imagine not using quiz questions, but it's something that a lot of people don't start with. And they are incredibly powerful for market research to understand why people signed up for something or bought something, how they found you, it's helpful for information around, like, the actual content. Like where did you get stuck? Like, where could I have explained this better. Like, how did you consume the content? So, like, if you have different content types, so, like, a video and audio and text, like, what. How did you consume it? Like, it's just more information for you as a creator about, like, how people are actually going through stuff. And I have found for me as a creator, it's really nice, like, you have people signing up for stuff and buying stuff, but. But you don't have any insights about, like, why they bought and, like, what they're excited about and, like, where are they? Why? Like, why was this the time for them to buy it and, like, what sold them? And, like, what.

Erin Kelly [00:27:01]:
What have they tried to go through in the past to solve this problem? Right? Like, what. What are they trying to achieve? It is so nice to have that, like, additional, like, depth of picture around the people who are buying your stuff. Like, I absolutely love it. I can't imagine not having those insights now. Like, just having, like, a standard sales page and, like, not any kind of, like, feedback loop about, like, why people bought, why they were excited. Like, what. What are they, like most looking forward to? Like, what are they struggling with? What have they done in the past? That kind of stuff. Right? And then on the flip side, like, once they go through the product, like, what are the next things that you're struggling with? Like, what did you like about this? Like, it's a great way for you to get these testimonials on autopilot.

Erin Kelly [00:27:44]:
So I have some sample questions. In both of those, the start here and in the close the loop, and you can just go in and click this little pencil icon and edit that so that you can put in your product name. But it's things like, you know, tell us about your experience. What are your next steps? You know, where. Where do you think you might get stuck? How did it help you with, and I wanted to make sure that I explained this one really clearly. So, testimonials work best if they're very aligned with what the sales copy is. So, like, whatever you're saying, this product really helps people with. It's amazing if the testimonials actually back you up on that.

Erin Kelly [00:28:22]:
And so you need to actually direct what you want with your testimonials. So how did the product name help you with the specific, and this is the specific result you want to share on your sales landing page. Like, does it shorten the learning curve? Did it make it faster? Did it make it easier? Did they have a lot of success with it? What was the success? But thinking about how you want to word that. And obviously it's something that you can tweak. Like if you, if you're noticing, like, people are answering it and it's not quite what you're looking for, like tweak the question moving forward and then asking permission to use it as a testimonial. And then with the file upload quiz question, they can actually upload a picture. And I made it so that it's not required. So these little stars show you that these questions are all required, so that your full name and pronoun and the preferred picture are not required questions.

Erin Kelly [00:29:13]:
But yeah, this is super, super powerful. And then you're like, collecting these testimonials on autopilot. And like, when you're going to update your sales page in the future, you can just go into your member vault and go into quiz questions and filter for this specific quiz question and see all of your testimonials that you've gathered. It's really, really powerful. So that is our tour of the fill in the blanks product template. I know that this was a lengthy video, almost, almost 30 minutes, but I wanted to make sure that we actually looked at all of the different strategies. So, like the teaser module, the bonus module, the order bump, the upsell, the quiz questions, both for insights about why people bought, and then also quiz questions as a great way to gather testimonials inside of your product on autopilot. So there's a lot of stuff to cover.

Erin Kelly [00:29:57]:
Yeah. I hope that you are able to create some really, really delicious paid products using this template. And as always, definitely let us know if you have any questions using customer service. So the chat inside of your membervault account or on our main website. And then also let us know in the collaborative if you use this, how you used it. Share links like, we'd love to see how you used it. If there's things out of this product tour, product template tour that you have follow up questions on, definitely post those in the collaborative as well. You can go to membervault Cohab, C O l l A B, or you can just go onto membervault and search for Membervault and it'll pull up the membervault collaborative.

Erin Kelly [00:30:39]:
But definitely share whether you use this and how you use this and all that good stuff. And if you have follow up questions.

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